Options vary between products and collections.
You may be able to select a version, which is typically a publication date.
For vector data, there is often a choice of format. The image below shows the format choices for Ordnance Survey Building Heights data.
A theme is generally a cartographic style, e.g. for some formats of OS MasterMap®data you can choose between a Standard theme and a Plan theme.
In Historic Digimap, for maps predating the introduction of the National Grid, you are asked to choose between Original Sheets or National Grid tiles.
For some vector data products, you can choose which data layers to include in your order.
In the example image below, we have unchecked two boxes, so those layers will not be included in our order.
What happens when Clip is selected? One of the following two scenarios:
Scenario 1 If the resulting clipped and merged dataset is less than 20,000 pixels in either direction and the selected area does not cover more than three tiles either horizontally or vertically then the data is clipped and merged in to a single dataset.
Data is clipped to the Minimum Bounding Rectangle (MBR) of the selected area that intersects each tile, not the exact shape drawn, and then merged together.
The images below show how the selected area is merged in to a single dataset and made available for download.
Scenario 2 If the resulting clipped and merged dataset is more than 20,000 pixels in either direction or the selected area covers more than three tiles either horizontally or vertically then the tiles are clipped to the Minimum Bounding Rectangle (MBR) of the selected area in each tile.
The images below show how each tile is clipped to the Minimum Bounding Rectangle (MBR) of the selected area that intersects each tile and provided separately.
What happens when Clip is not selected? You will be provided with all of the full data tiles that intersect your area. None of the data will be clipped or merged.
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